Artifact: Target-Organization Assessment
The Target-Organization Assessment is used by the business-process analyst as a basis for configuring the business modeling workflow for a particular project. The Target-Organization Assessment is also used to:
(hyperlinks into HTML template in a new window) 1. Introduction1.1 Purpose1.2 Scope1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations1.4 References1.5 Overview2. Business Context3. Business Idea and Strategy in the Project Context4. External Factors4.1 Customers4.2 Competitors4.3 Other Stakeholders5. Internal Factors5.1 Business Processes5.2 Supporting Tools5.3 Internal Organization5.4 Competencies, Skills and Attitudes5.5 Capacity for Change6. Benchmarking Results7.
Performance of Target Organization
8. Assessment Conclusion8.1 Problems Areas8.2 Applicable New Technologies
The Target-Organization Assessment is created in the very beginning of a project. Sometimes, it is created even before a project has started. It is recommended that you revisit and review the Target-Organization Assessment after each iteration. You may have discovered new problems as well as opportunities. Responsibility
A Business-Process Analyst is responsible for the Target-Organization Assessment. Tailoring
You should adjust the outline of the Target-Organization Assessment to suit the characteristics of the project and the organization. |
Rational Unified
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